

The function fit estimates models. It returns a model structure, which contains the estimation sample, the coefficients and their covariance matrix. For example, the output of fit(OLS, MD) has type OLS. Some have additional fields: e.g., two-stage models carry estimates from the first stage and GMM models carry the inverse of the weight matrix.


If you only need coefficients, pass novar = true to fit.

Model structures are subtypes of broader abstract types, such as MLE or GMM, which are ultimately instances of RegressionModel. The type hierarchy is:


Linear regression

Ordinary least squares

fit(OLS, MD::Microdata)

The Microdata must contain: response and control. See the documentation for linear IV if Microdata includes a treatment. OLS is a subtype of MLE.

Linear IV

fit(IV, MD::Microdata; method::String = "TSLS")

The following methods are currently implemented:

Additional methods are available for convenience:

The Microdata must contain: response, treatment, control and instrument. IV is a subtype of GMM.

Binary choice

fit(Logit, MD::Microdata)
fit(Probit, MD::Microdata)
fit(Cloglog, MD::Microdata)
fit(Gompit, MD::Microdata)

The Microdata must contain: response and control. The outcome should be binary. The model structures are subtypes of MLE.

Count data

fit(Poisson, MD::Microdata; novar::Bool = false)

The Microdata must contain: response and control. The Microdata may contain an offset. See the documentation for linear IV if Microdata includes a treatment. The outcome must be weakly positive. Poisson is a subtype of MLE.

fit(IVPoisson, MD::Microdata; novar::Bool = false, method::String = "One-step GMM")
fit(Mullahy, MD::Microdata; novar::Bool = false, method::String = "One-step GMM")

IVPoisson fits the exponential conditional mean model with additive errors. Mullahy fits the exponential conditional mean model with multiplicative errors (Mullahy, 1997).

The following methods are currently implemented:

The models are estimated with the Gauss–Newton algorithm. The first stage of the two-stage specifications is estimated with the average outer product of the instrument vector as weight matrix.

Additional methods are available for convenience:

The Microdata must contain: response, treatment, control and instrument. The Microdata may contain an offset. The outcome must be weakly positive. IVPoisson and Mullahy are subtypes of GMM.

Reweighting methods


All reweighting models require the specification of a first stage. They come in two flavors. In the first, you specify the first-stage model. In the second, you pass a previously fitted model. The latter is more verbose, but it allows you to customize and reuse the first stage.

fit(IPW, M₁::Type{Micromodel}, MD::Microdata; trim::AbstractFloat = 0.0)
fit(IPW, M₁::Micromodel, MD::Microdata; trim::AbstractFloat = 0.0)

IPW estimates average treatment effects by inverse probability weighting. In a first stage, we use model M₁ to forecast the conditional probability of treatment take-up and construct estimation weights. In the second stage, we regress the outcome on the treatment and an intercept by weighted least squares. The intercept gives the mean outcome of the untreated. We ignore observations whose score is below trim or above 1 - trim (see Crump et al. (2009)).

The Microdata must contain: response, treatment and control. The treatment must be binary. IPW is a subtype of TwoStageModel.

fit(Abadie, M₂::Type{ParModel}, M₁::Type{Micromodel}, MD::Microdata; trim::AbstractFloat = 0.0, kwargs...)
fit(Abadie, M₂::Type{ParModel}, M₁::Micromodel, MD::Microdata; trim::AbstractFloat = 0.0 kwargs...)

Abadie estimates local average response functions according to Abadie (2003). In a first stage, we use model M₁ to forecast the conditional probability of instrument take-up and construct estimation weights. In the second stage, we fit M₂ with the weights from the first stage. Keywords customize the second-stage estimator. We ignore observations whose score is below trim or above 1 - trim (see Crump et al. (2009)).

The Microdata must contain: response, treatment, control and instrument. The treatment and the instrument must be binary. Abadie is a subtype of TwoStageModel.

fit(FrölichMelly, M₁::Type{Micromodel}, MD::Microdata; trim::AbstractFloat = 0.0)
fit(FrölichMelly, M₁::Micromodel, MD::Microdata; trim::AbstractFloat = 0.0)

This model estimates unconditional local average effects according to Frölich and Melly (2013). In a first stage, we use model M₁ to forecast the conditional probability of instrument take-up and construct estimation weights. In the second stage, we regress the outcome on the treatment and an intercept by weighted least squares. The intercept gives mean outcome of untreated compliers. We ignore observations whose score is below trim or above 1 - trim (see Crump et al. (2009)).

The Microdata must contain: response, treatment, control and instrument. The treatment and the instrument must be binary. FrölichMelly is a subtype of TwoStageModel.

fit(Tan, M₁::Type{Micromodel}, MD::Microdata; trim::AbstractFloat = 0.0)
fit(Tan, M₁::Micromodel, MD::Microdata; trim::AbstractFloat = 0.0)

This model estimates the unconditional local average treatment effects according to Tan (2006). In a first stage, we use model M₁ to forecast the conditional probability of instrument take-up and construct estimation weights. In the second stage, we regress the outcome on the treatment and an intercept by weighted two-stage least squares. The intercept gives mean outcome of untreated compliers. We ignore observations whose score is below trim or above 1 - trim (see Crump et al. (2009)).

The Microdata must contain: response, treatment, control and instrument. The treatment and the instrument must be binary. Tan is a subtype of TwoStageModel.