

This section helps you specify your own estimator. You can then submit a pull request to add it to Microeconometrics.jl!

We will analyze the implementation of OLS. Although it is a simple model, others follow the same steps.

The first step is defining the output struct:

mutable struct OLS <: MLE

    sample::Microdata     # estimation sample
    β::Vector{Float64}    # coefficient vector
    V::AbstractMatrix{Float64}    # variance matrix

    OLS() = new()

Every estimator has these fields. Internal utilities rely on them. Some have additional fields (e.g., IV stores the estimation method and the weight matrix). Two-stage models store the estimators for each stage instead.

We then define an uninitialized constructor:

function OLS(MD::Microdata)
    obj        = OLS()
    obj.sample = MD
    return obj

The functions _fit! and _vcov! will later set β and V.

The next step is overloading the function fit from StatsBase.jl:

function fit(::OLS, MD::Microdata; novar::Bool = false)

    obj = OLS(MD)

    _fit!(obj, getweights(obj))
    novar || _vcov!(obj, getcorr(obj), getweights(obj))

    return obj

For OLS, we only need to initialize the output object and pass it to _fit! and _vcov!. (It is not actually necessary to extend fit unless you need to perform additional steps before the estimation, as the fallback will suffice.) Note the utilities getcorr and getweights.

We can now estimate the coefficients. For efficiency, we write separate functions for unweighted and weighted data.

function _fit!(obj::OLS, w::UnitWeights)
    y     = getvector(obj, :response)
    x     = getmatrix(obj, :control)
    obj.β = x \ y

function _fit!(obj::OLS, w::AbstractWeights)
    y     = getvector(obj, :response)
    x     = getmatrix(obj, :control)
    v     = Diagonal(w) * x
    obj.β =  (v' * x) \ (v' * y)

Notice the internal utilities getvector and getmatrix. Their first argument is a Microdata or a model structure. The following arguments are the model components of interest. You can request several components from getmatrix at once. For example, IV needs x = getmatrix(obj, :treatment, :control) and z = getmatrix(obj, :instrument, :control). A single matrix is returned in all cases.


getvector and getmatrix return views into the underlying data matrix. You should never modify their output, as you would irremediably alter the data. If you need to perform an in-place operation, make a copy beforehand.

OLS does not require nonlinear optimization. If your estimator needs it, you can use the tools of Optim.jl. See the implementation of Logit for an example.

We must now define score and jacobian. These functions are the building blocks of the variance estimator. The score is the vector of moment conditions. For OLS, it is −xᵢ (yᵢ − xᵢ'β) (the derivative of the objective function). score should return the matrix of score vectors in row form. The Jacobian matrix is the derivative of the moment conditions. For OLS, it is xᵢ xᵢ'. jacobian should return the weighted sum of Jacobians (i.e., the expected Jacobian × the number of observations).

function score(obj::OLS)
    x = copy(getmatrix(obj, :control))
    û = residuals(obj)
    return - x .* û

function jacobian(obj::OLS, w::UnitWeights)
    x = getmatrix(obj, :control)
    return x' * x

function jacobian(obj::OLS, w::AbstractWeights)
    x = getmatrix(obj, :control)
    v = copy(x) .* w
    return x' * v

score returns the score for each observation, so it ignores weights. jacobian returns an expectation; therefore, it must account for weights.

We do not need to extend _vcov!. The default method will call score and jacobian and construct the appropriate estimator, accounting for the correlation structure of the data and the type of weights.

We now overload predict:

predict(obj::OLS, MD::Microdata) = getmatrix(MD, :control) * obj.β

The next step is optional. We extend jacobexp, which computes the derivative of fitted values.

jacobexp(obj::OLS) = copy(getmatrix(obj, :control))

jacobexp is only necessary when the estimator serves as the first stage of a two-stage estimator. By extending it, you make your estimator available to two-stage estimators.

We conclude with a function to retrieve coefficient labels:

coefnames(obj::OLS) = getnames(obj, :control)

The syntax of getnames is similar to that of getmatrix.

You can implement additional methods. For example, Microeconometrics.jl extends r2, adjr2, loglikelihood, etc. to OLS.